This made my day -- I love it. I don't know whether it's sad that a person doesn't get to share their gifts, or wonderful that gifts get to flourish on all kinds of levels, in all kinds of (non-public) contexts. More to think about today! xo -- Anne (friend of Verna)

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And, serendipitously, I just came across this quote a few hours after reading your blog: “We need not behold a flower for it to grow.” (https://stanforddaily.com/2017/04/07/nemerov-magazine/)

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Wow! I click the link and listen to Patsy and then I find kd lang singing Patsy, both of them with the pure, sweet voice, and I think this:

there is us, listening

there is singer, singing

voice to ear, song to heart

Your Jolene was never tainted by fame. She sang from love to those she loved. She knew something most of us don’t: her music is hers. It is not ours unless she chooses to share it. What a lucky baby to get to hear it, lucky biker dude, lucky you in the empty cafeteria.

thank you for sharing this story, Kathy. You make Jolene as real as Patsy Cline now singing in my living room.

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